Using Saltruta

There is currently no main server for saltruta, although this will change in the future (most likely with v2.0).

The bot does not currently support "/" commands, and there is no plan for this to be implemented in the near future.

The official prefix for saltruta is "w!", however, the "!" can be ommited altogether.



Used to add a server to the drop list. This omeans that cards can be drpped in your server. The drop channel will be set to the channel you use this command in (it can be changed) Aliases: - "w!setup" Responses: 1. Error Found -- Reported to Developer (Failed attempt) 2. Saltruta Setup (Success)


Used to view a card. This can be your own card, or someone else's card. Aliases: - "w!view" - "wview" - "w!v" - "wv" Arguments: 1. code (REQUIRED) Responses: 1. Error Found -- Reported to Developer (Failed attempt) 2. Please enter a valid code (Failed Input) 3. Card View (Success) Example: "w!view 123456" This would show the card with the code: "123456"


Used to view a collection. Can be your own collection, or someone else's collection. Alliases: - "w!collection" - "wcollection" - "w!co" - "wco" Arguments: 1. User (OPTIONAL, if none is given, your own is shown) 2. Filters (OPTIONAL, edition (e), character (c), print (p), tag (t), level (l)) 3. Order (OPTIONAL, level (l), print (p), edition (e), if none is given, cards will be ordered from newest to oldest) Responses: 1. Error Found -- Reported to Developer (Failed attempt) 2. Card Collection (Success) Example: "w!collection @termincc e=2 p=1 o=l" This would show @termincc's collection, only showing cards that are edition 2 & level 1, ordered from highest level to lowest level.


Used to view a players inventory. Can be your own inventory, or someone else's inventory. Aliases: - "w!inventory" - "winventory" - "w!iv" - "wiv" Arguments: 1. User (OPTIONAL, if none is given, your own is shown) Responses: 1. Error Found -- Reported to Developer (Failed attempt) 2. User's Inventory (Success) Example: "w!inventory @termincc" This would show @termincc's inventory.


Used to view a player's bank. Can be your own bank, or someone else's bank. Aliases: - "w!bank" - "wbank" - "w!ba" - "wba" Arguments: 1. User (OPTIONAL, if none is given, your own is shown) Responses: - Error Found -- Reported to Developer (Failed attempt) - User's bank (Success) Example: "w!bank @termincc" This would show @termincc's bank.


Used to move a card between the three areas (colelction, bank, display). Cards can be moved back at any time. Aliases: - "w!transfer" - "wtransfer" - "w!tr" - "wtr" Arguments: 1. Card Code (REQUIRED) 2. Destination (OPTIONAL) Responses: 1. Invalid Input (Input Error) 2. Bank Full (You cannot fit another card in your bank) 3. This card is already in {destination} (You cannot move them to where they already are) 4. Error Found -- Reported to Developer (Failed attempt) 5. Card Transfer (Success) Example: "w!transfer 123456 bank" This would move card "123456" from where it was to the bank.


Used to view a display card. You can view your display, or other's display. Aliases: - "w!display" - "wdisplay" - "w!d" - "wd" Arguments: 1. User (OPTIONAL, if none is given, your own will be shown) Responses: 1. Error Found -- Reported to Developer (Failed attempt) 2. Display Card (Success) Example: "w!display @termincc" This would show @termincc's display card.


Used to burn unwanted cards. THIS CANNOT BE UNDONE. Aliases: - "w!burn" - "wburn" - "w!bu" - "wbu" Arguments: 1. Card Code (OPTIONAL) 2. Tag (OPTIONAL) NOTE: ONE OF THESE TWO MUST BE GIVEN. Responses: 1. Enter a valid code or valid tag (Input error) 2. Error Found -- Reported to Developer (Failed attempt) 3. Card burn (Success) Example: "w!burn t=burn" This would burn all cards with the tag: "burn".


Used to trade currency and buy drops and boosts. Aliases: - "w!shop" - "wshop" - "w!sh" - "wsh" Arguments: 1. Item (OPTIONAL) 2. AMOUNT(OPTIONAL, will default to 1) Responses: 1. Invalid Item / Amount (Input error) 2. Shop (Success) Example: "w!shop boost 4" This would buy 4 boosts


Used to add a splash of colour to your cards. Aliases: - "w!morph" - "wmorph" - "w!mo" - "wmo" Arguments: 1. Code (REQUIRED) Responses: 1. Morph Failed (Mostly likely an input error) 2. Morph (Success) Example: "w!morph 123" This would morph the card with code "123"


Used to increase output of cards and unlock new images Aliases: - "w!levelup" - "wlevelup" - "w!lu" - "wlu" Arguments: 1. Code (REQUIRED) Responses: 1. Level-up failed (Most likely an input error) 2. Level-up (Success) Example: "w!levelup 123" This would level up the card with code "123"


Used to keep an eye out for when a card you want drops Aliases: - "w!wishlist" - "wwishlist" - "w!wl" - "wwl" Arguments: 1. "add" / "remove" (OPTIONAL) 2. Character / Number (OPTIONAL) Responses: 1. Wishlist Add/Remove Failed (Most likely an input error) 2. Wishlist (Success) Example: "w!wishlist add Zero Two" This would add "Zero Two" to my wishlist


Used to check the cooldown of a server's drop. Aliases: - "w!cooldown" - "wcooldown" - "w!cd" - "wcd" Arguments: 1. NONE Responses: 1. Server Inactive (Most likely server hasn't been set up) 2. Server Cooldown (Success) Example: "w!cooldown" This would show the cooldown for the server the message is sent in


Used to trade cards, and money between players. Aliases: - "w!multitrade" - "wmultitrade" - "w!mt" - "wmt" Arguments: 1. User (REQUIRED) Responses: 1. User Occupied (One or both users are currently in a trade) 2. Multi-trade Failed (User doesn't exist in saltruta) 3. Multi-trade (Success) Example: "w!multitrade @terminc" This would send a multi-trade request to "@terminc"


Used to seach for details on a character. Aliases: - "w!search" - "wsearch" - "w!se" - "wse" Arguments: 1. Character (REQUIRED) Responses: 1. Search Failed (Character doesn't exist) 2. Search (Success) Example: "wse Siesta" This would show details on the character Siesta


Used to change the alias of a card. Aliases: - "w!alias" - "walias" - "w!al" - "wal" Arguments: 1. Code (REQUIRED) Responses: 1. Alias Failed (Mostly likely incorrect code, or no aliases available) 2. Alias (Success) Example: "w!alias 123" This would promt the user to select alias for the card 123


Used to create categories of cards for easy tracking. Aliases: - "w!tags" - "wtags" - "w!t" - "wt" Arugments: 1. Action: code/create/delete/untag 2. Card 3. Tag 4. Emoji Responses: 1. Tag Failed (message will tell you why) 2. Tag (Success) Example: "w!t create best ❤️" would create a tag "best" with the "❤️" emoji


Used to check some interesting statistics about Saltruta. Aliases: - "w!stats" - "wstats" - "w!st" - "wst" Arguments: 1. User (CAN BE SALTRUTA) Responses: 1. Stats Failed (Most likely invalid user) 2. Stats (Success) Example: "w!stats @saltruta" would give you statistics on the user saltruta


Currenlty in development!


This is used to get the data used by Saltruta. Data can be given in either pretty (pprint), or just plain data. Aliases: - "w!fetch" - "wfetch" - "w!f" - "wf" Arguments: None Responses: 1. Data File (Success)



Expeditions are the way to earn cash/bags/coins. Users can send their banks on an expedition to collect different amounts of different currencies. Only 1 expedition can be performed by a user at a time. There are currently 5 different expeditions: 1. Bank Hiest (5 cash, takes 12 hours) 2. Treasure Hunt (2 coins, takes 12 hours) 3. 9-5 Office Job (1 bag, takes 8 hours) 4. Dragon Slayer (10 cash, takes 24 hours) 5. Farming Expedition (2 bags, 16 hours) The amounts and times can be decreased by using boosts (see w!shop) Amounts are also increased by the value of a user bank. To calculate the multiplier of a user: (1 + (0.05 * a) + (l / 100)) ?* 2 (IF BOOST) where a = amount of cards in user's bank and l = sum of all the levels in a user's bank If a user had 5 level 10 cards and a boost active, then they would have a multiplier of: (1 + (0.0 * 5) + (50 / 100)) * 2 =3.5x multiplier

Daily Rewards

Currently in development!


Currently in development!

Card Drops

Card Drops are how users gain cards. Every minute, a check is ran to see if a server is eligible for a drop. To be eligible for a drop the server must: - Have a registered channel (see w!setup) - Have over 100 messages since the last drop When a card is dropped, checks are run for things like wishlists. Once a user has clicked the "grab" button, a three second countdown begins. Every user that also clicks within those three seconds is enterd. A winner is randomly chosen after the three second timer for who is to get the card.